The ‘cold’ front (and why we’re all a wimpy lot!)

I’ve challenged myself to post a photo a day this week. Monday’s image caught my eye at school today: it’s what happens when the temperature in Dubai falls from the low 40s (low 100s) to 34°C (93°F)! (And to think I used to shiver in our local unheated lido while growing up in the UK.)

I’ve challenged myself to post a photo a day this week. Monday’s image caught my eye at school today: it’s what happens when the temperature in Dubai falls from the low 40s (low 100s) to 34°C (93°F)! (And to think I used to shiver in our local unheated lido while growing up in the UK. Our children truly don’t know what cold is! I’ll be throwing mine into the pool at the weekend, though – they’ll put the heaters on soon.)

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