“Ag-ain, again!” LB’s eyes were cast skywards, taking in the granite clouds above. The heavens had just opened for the umpteenth time and raindrops were rolling down the window pane. “It’s raining again!”
Pitter-patter. Splish-splosh. Quite honestly, I think I’ve seen more rain in the UK over the past five days than the UAE has seen in a thousand years. There’s been floods of biblical proportions, a month’s worth of rain in 24 hours and a lifeboat rescue, inland.
All because the jet stream has apparently moved south, meaning the British summer is taking place somewhere over the mid-Atlantic.
I must say, I’m rather enjoying it. I know, I know. I haven’t had to put up with endless showers for the past two months, and in the morning we’re leaving for the States, where the weather is freakishly hot. But, aside from the length of time it takes to get out of the house (wellies, raincoats, brollies, waders, lifebelt..I’m so out of practice), it’s really refreshing to see the wet stuff again.
Not only are the kids in puddle-jumping heaven, but LB also saw his first-ever rainbow yesterday – a double-arched one too. For me, the wayward weather is a chance to sit on my favourite sofa in the conservatory, listen to the sound of the rain pounding on the roof and admire the lush view outside, in all its greenness.

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