“Mommy, how old were you when you knew who you wanted to marry?”
Not a question from my son, but from his adorable, blonde-haired, blue-eyed best friend and girl next door, who I posted about before when it became blindingly obvious to us that little boys are from Mars and little girls from Venus.

Childhood sweethearts: But while BB likes to dabble in toilet talk, his BF has more romantic thoughts
Later, she started asking her mom why they lived in the UAE, and not America.
“If BB moves to America, I have to go with him – just so you know,” she declared.
“Because we’re family – or we will be after we get married.”
“He thinks he’s going to marry a toilet,” (don’t ask, but if you really want to know, look here).
“But I know better and he’s in for a SURPRISE!” she giggled.
More proof, if ever it was needed, that male and female brains are hardwired so differently, it’s no wonder we can’t fathom our partners at times.