After months of rumours that wouldn’t go away, my husband’s company hit several hundred staff members with an eviction notice on Thursday. It’s always a Thursday, the last day of the week here. And it’s always a shock when it comes.

Clouds: I’ll miss this room!
I cried! Yes, hands up, I’m happy to admit it – I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. Angry tears streamed down my face. I love our house. Over the past seven years, the frustrated interior designer in me has painted each room in a rainbow of bright colours. The family room ceiling is a skyscape, with white fluffy clouds and airplanes, and on the garden wall I painted a fairytale castle. It amused the kids for all of five minutes, but I think we’ve all blossomed from the love that’s been put into this house and garden.
I knew where we were headed (for those in the know, Meydan South, and for readers wondering, a massive, identikit housing development in the desert, where the company wants to accommodate all crew). I closed my eyes for a moment and saw several images: the huge highways I’d have to drive on, for miles each day, to get my kids to their respective, now further-away schools. Twelve tarmacked lanes of traffic and stress, with idiot drivers who care not a bit about a mum on a school run with small children dragged out of bed far too early, her knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel and teeth clenched.
I also imagined endless construction, the hammering of machines and the high-pitched whine of drills as the developers work on road access to the community and build the compound’s facilities (community centre, shop, pool, etc). Amenities like these won’t be ready until this time 2017. Yes, they open these places in Dubai before these things are built. I thought about all this, and held my head in my hands. How could they do this to us?
Three days on from the eviction email and I’m in a much more positive frame of mind. It’s a free house, with bills paid, and inside it’s lovely. While a sandpit now, residents will, in time, get a small garden growing which will green up (heartbreaking, though, that our current spacious gardens will be ripped up).
No-one is being forced – families can take the money and find their own accommodation if they wish, either to buy or rent. Meydan South will eventually have great facilities, and as for the driving, well there’s the option to change schools. There are safe pathways for the kids to explore, on foot or bike; there will literally be hundreds of children living in the community, who can all call on each other and go off to play, like in 1950s England. Or, dare I say it, Butlins holiday camp.
See you at Meydan South!
Postscript: Perhaps the best news for Mums is that a friend has found a great pub/watering hole just ten minutes away, with good food and prices (Qube Bar at Meydan – which might just make the move totally worthwhile!)
You are such a lovely writer. Thanks for sharing Marianne!
Thank you Lori! x
I was wondering when you would post about this. I have a lot of friends who are all in the same boat. *hugs* All the very best for the move.
Thank you so much! X
Marianne, I can imagine your pain but just remind yourself that many are going through worse. Count your blessings, you are moving to one of the finest areas of the city. You’ll be fine or perhaps better only. Loving your blogs xoxo
Thank you Maggie! X
Love it cause I totally can relate! Like you I have transformed the interior and like you I cried! But, A few days after the blow, I find myself starting to see the positives accept the fate that awaits. moving in summer will be tough, especially without facilities, but like you said a free house does out way the negatives. And we will paint again!
Yes a blank canvas for new painting! See you there! x
I guess the move will be in batches?
I think most people will move over summer … Oh it’s going to be so hot and sweaty!
Oh, I can hear the sadness in your writing and can imagine just how gutted you must be. Love that you’ve been able to find some positives and are making the best of things in (what I now know from personal experience to be) a very British way. xx
As my mum says, everything happens for a reason! xx
I’m so cross on your behalf! What a thing to do and I’m not surprised you’re overwhelmed with all sorts of feelings. I’m glad you’re making the best of it and hopefully in time, all will work out. ( Will the company give you any help with moving schools etc? They ought to provide a bus! Maybe you should ask for one. )
Thank you Alex. Am feeling much more positive now. Checking out a school right on the edge of the compound. Kids could walk!! (When it’s not too hot!) X
You are truly a witty and brilliant writer!! When I leave this sandpit this summer I will be checking in on your blog for regular DXB updates!!
Can’t believe you’re going!!!
Hi Marianne, nice to read your blog! I can imagine your shock, having to move to a different place. We will be moving to Meydan South soon as well (from Bali). Are there any pictures available online of the houses? My husband got shown those at Meydan Heights during his recruitment, are they similar? Good luck with the move and see you there :-).
Im, Due to move to Meydan South In September, Well hubby first whilst the visas come through then me and the small one will follow after. Im looking forward to it but very nervous at the same time!
Im so excited to start meeting lots of new people and exploring with the small person whilst the lucky hubby is jetting off as usual.
Tell me oh wise one what do i need to start getting ready ( also any room sizing info would be great so i can start shopping ) ha ha ha
Hi Beth, Congrats on your upcoming move and good luck with all the planning and organising it involves! You will have a great time here with your little one – there’s so much to do with kiddos. My best advice to you is to join the Meydan South facebook group – you’ll find tonnes of info on there. It’s a mine of information! I’ll copy the link below – I think you have to request to join, then I believe you can do a search for certain topics. You can click on ‘Files’ and there are all sorts of documents with info about Meydan … food, painters, babysitting, etc.. GOOD LUCK! Wishing you a smooth move. And hope to meet you in Sept. 🙂
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